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Understanding the 1+ Commission Profit Participation Structure

By Scott Christopher | Sep 6, 2024

The 1+ Commission profit participation structure provides a fixed commission to a dealership that sells an F&I product. However, because the 1+ Commission structure is a straightforward way to increase revenue, it's commonly used by dealers looking for a reliable source of income and little to no risk.

Here's what to consider before you decide on a program.

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What is 1+ Commission Profit Participation Structure?

The 1+ Commission structure involves a fixed commission for every F&I product sold, which is different from many other programs that scale the commission amount based on various factors.

The 1+ Commission Profit Participation Structure Explained

The 1+ Commission structure is a great way to maximize your dealership profit margin because this non-participating (Non-Par) program is clear, direct and uncomplicated. Your dealership will not be impacted by any negative underwriting of the contracts you sell. There are a few caveats to the amount received, though, such as deductions for full or partial cancellations.

This is a popular choice among new dealerships and can be especially valuable for any dealership that's trying to enhance immediate profitability and access to quick cash.

Key Benefits of the 1+ Commission Structure

This structure is helpful for any dealership that's in the growth stage and looking to bring in additional cash in a more immediate time frame. Let’s dive into a few benefits:

Predictability of Cash Flow

Because you receive a fixed amount for every contract you sell, you'll have a better idea of the cash flow that's coming into your dealership. That can help you plan for other goals as your company grows and help you see whether you're hitting the financial metrics you hope to achieve.

Simplicity in Administration

A streamlined structure at your dealership allows for ease in facilitating administrative processes. Using a 1+ Commission program provides an alternative to more complex structures, which can be a great motivator as dealers prefer the ease of turn-key, zero upfront costs and clear tax treatment in this profit participation program

Immediate Financial Impact

If your dealership needs money in the near future, maximizing short-term profits with 1+ Commission can be a wise choice.

Whether your dealership is struggling with changing times and rising costs, or you simply want to add to your profits and start seeing more cash coming in, you can generally experience a quick financial boost when you choose this structure.

Take the Profit Participation Program Self-Assessment

Challenges and Considerations When Implementing 1+ Commission

Receiving a fixed dollar amount per contract has its benefits, but there are important advantages and considerations to profit participation structures you'll want to review before choosing.

Lack of Long-Term Investment Opportunities

If you're serious about auto dealership cash flow management but you want to be able to invest in a profit participation program for the long-term, the 1+ Commission structure might not be right for your needs. That's because it's typically used for short-term, immediate cash flow. The fixed nature of the program can help you start getting money right away, but it won't necessarily be easy to build on that and turn it into higher profits over time.

Consider performance and product penetration for forecasting. If your dealership has reached a point of financial stability where current cash flow isn't an issue, looking for a longer-term strategy could be the right choice to continue to drive success.

Potential Limitations in Scaling Profit

The more contracts you sell, the more money your dealership will receive. There won't be a time when you receive a larger percentage per contract in this structure or other opportunities to grow your profit margin. For a long-term investment strategy or wealth-building, you may want to consider other options to better suit your plans and goals.

Best Use Cases for 1+ Commission in Dealerships

A more risk-averse dealer looking to embark in capital projects, such as acquiring new stores or completing projects around the dealership, like service improvements or hiring sprees, would benefit from the quick, upfront cash flow that this non-participating program provides. Dealers looking to pay down debt would also benefit from the quick, upfront capital received.

The Bottom Line on 1+ Commission

The most important thing to remember when considering the 1+ Commission structure is that it needs to fit the plans you have for your dealership. If you need immediate cash flow, it can be extremely valuable. If you're looking for long-term investments and scalability, it may not help you as much. Both of those goals are perfectly valid, but they require different types of programs.

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